CertNexus CyberSec First Responder (CFR) - Exam Voucher

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CertNexus CyberSec First Responder Exam Voucher (CFR) $299.99


CertNexus – Overview

CertNexus is a vendor-neutral certification body, providing emerging technology certifications and micro-credentials for business, data, developer, IT, and security professionals. CertNexus’ mission is to assist closing the emerging tech global skills gap while providing individuals with a path towards rewarding careers in Cybersecurity, Data Science, Data Ethics, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)/ Machine Learning (ML).

CertNexus’ portfolio of certifications and credentials empower you to lead, design, and put emerging technology into practice. Our certifications meet the growing demand for skills validation and personal growth within data science, Cybersecurity, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Ethics in Data Driven Technologies. Getting certified today brings measurable rewards in the future and opens further professional opportunities.


About CFR Certification

The CyberSec First Responder® (CFR) is a comprehensive certification designed to validate the knowledge and skills required to protect critical information systems before, during, and after an incident. The CFR exam is accredited under the ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024 standard and is approved by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to fulfill Directive 8570/8140 requirement.

The CyberSec First Responder® (CFR) exam is designed for individuals with between 2 and 5 years of experience working in a computing environment as part of a CERT, CSIRT, SOC, Command and control (C2) systems, or as an IT professional on the front line of cybersecurity at their organizations, who desire or are required to protect critical information systems before, during, and after an incident which may be a cybersecurity attack.

Exam Voucher Details – Price $299.99

  • Exam Voucher for: CyberSec First Responder® (CFR410)   
  • Exam Delivery: Pearson VUE
  • Technology: CyberSecurity
  • Product Type: Voucher
  • Exam Options: In person at Pearson VUE test centers or online via Pearson OnVUE online proctoring
  • EXAM DURATION: 120 minutes (including 5 minutes for Candidate Agreement and 5 minutes for Pearson VUE tutorial)

Customer Reviews


  • The CyberSec First Responder® (CFR410) is a comprehensive certification designed to validate the knowledge required to effectively identify, respond to, protect against, and remediate malicious activities involving computing systems. In addition, the exam will certify that the successful candidate has the foundational knowledge to deal with a changing threat landscape and will be able to assess risk and vulnerabilities, acquire data, perform analysis, continuously communicate, determine scope, recommend remediation actions, and accurately report results.
  • PASSING SCORE: 70% or 73% depending on exam form. (Note: Forms have been statistically equated.)
  • ITEM FORMATS: Multiple Choice/Multiple Response
  • Recertification Requirements
    • The CyberSec First Responder® (CFR) certification is valid for 3 years from the date that it is initially granted. In order to maintain a continuously valid certification, candidates can recertify via one of the following options:
      • Retake the most recent version of the exam before their certification expires.
      • Earn and submit enough continuing education credits (CECs) to recertify without retaking the exam.

For more information on the CyberSec First Responder certification, visit certnexus.com/certification/cybersec-first-responder-cfr

CFR is compliant with ANAB and ISO/IEC 17024:2012 standards and is approved by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to fulfill Directive 8570/8140 requirements.


  • System/Network Administrator
  • Help Desk Technician
  • Information System Technician
  • Incident Responder
  • Incident Response Analyst
  • Cyber Crime Investigator
  • IT Auditor
  • Information Security and IT Auditor
  • Systems /Network Analyst
  • Incident Analyst
  • Security Analyst
  • Network Security Engineer
  • Information Assurance Analyst
  • Network Administrator
  • Information Systems Security Engineer

  1. What’s an exam Voucher?

    An exam voucher is a unique code that will enable you to take your exam at an authorized CompTIA Test Service Provider.

    General info on vouchers:

    • You must register and take your exam prior to the voucher expiration date.
    • Voucher expiration dates cannot be extended under any circumstances.
    • Certification exam retirement dates supersede voucher expiration dates.
    • Visit the vendor website for certification exam information, including exam launch and retirement dates. 
    • Vouchers are sometimes country and currency restricted. Please confirm at the time of purchase.
    • One voucher is applicable towards one exam at an authorized Test Service Provider.
    • Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash or credit. Vouchers are non-refundable and non-returnable.
    • Vouchers may not be resold. They are also not transferable between programs.
    • Vouchers are program specific, and in some cases, exam specific.
    • KnowledgeSpace or Exam Providers and the respective Authorized Test Service Providers are not responsible for lost or stolen vouchers.

    Additional Order Information

    • Order information will be emailed within 24 hours from purchase.
    • You will receive two emails. The first email will be your order confirmation and the second email will include your exam voucher, the voucher expiration date and voucher terms and conditions. Check your spam, junk and promotional folders.

    Scheduling Your Exam

    • Confirmation emails are automatically sent for your exam appointment time.
    • Contact the Test Service Provider if your confirmation email is not received the same day.
    • Adhere to the specific vendor guidelines in regard to exam scheduling& rescheduling.